Are you ready for a life-changing transformation? If so, Mark Evans’ book can show you the way to success. By identifying and breaking out of the ‘mule mentality’, you can embrace your inner magician and achieve extraordinary results.

This book will help you identify and navigate the changes you will need to make in your life if you want to take control of every aspect of your life. Have you ever wondered why some struggle at most of the things they do – while some seem to do it effortlessly? It comes down to understanding that YOU are in control of your own world. Your own economy.

Are you a business owner that’s working harder but not making more? More stress, less sleep, and you still rarely get to spend time on yourself and family? If you and your company are really ready to thrive, it’s time to begin working on your business, not in it. Mark Evans DM spends only ten minutes a day on each of his two multi-million dollar empires.

Learn how to do virtual real estate and be able to travel the world in any way you wish! Once you make that first step and learn how to transform your world and make cash in the process. The tools are here in this book to help you become virtual. Sometimes, taking that first step is the most difficult to do. Taking action is the crucial part. Then continue to implement and keep moving forward to success.