This Could Be The Most Valuable Asset In Your Business

Hey, it’s your boy Mark Evans DM here, and today we’re talking about something that most entrepreneurs sleep on—building your email list. 📧 Social media is awesome, don’t get me wrong, but if you’re relying on it to keep your business alive, you’re playing with fire. One day, you’ve got 50,000 followers, and the next day, boom—your account’s shut down, hacked, or the algorithm changes, and you’re toast.

This happens more than you think. And here’s the deal: you don’t own those followers. Instagram, Facebook, TikTok—they do. But you know what you own? Your email list. And that’s the one asset no one can take from you.

Why Email is King

Look, I’m not saying don’t use social media. Heck, I love it! It’s a killer tool for growth and visibility, but here’s the reality—you need an email list to control your audience. Think of social media as a funnel to get people interested in what you’re doing, but the email list? That’s where the magic happens.

Why? Because an email list gives you direct access to your audience. No algorithms, no distractions, just you and your message right in their inbox. You control when they see it, how they see it, and what they do with it. That’s power.

How Do You Build It?

Let’s be real—you can’t just tell people, “Hey, join my list!” and expect them to jump at it. People are protective of their inboxes, so you’ve got to give them a reason to sign up. This is where your lead magnet comes in.

A lead magnet is something valuable that you give away for free in exchange for someone’s email. It could be a checklist, a mini-course, a free guide—whatever. The point is, it needs to be something that solves a problem for them or teaches them something valuable. Make it so good they can’t say no.

Here’s an example: Let’s say you’re in real estate. You could create a free guide called “5 Things Every First-Time Homebuyer Needs to Know.” Bam! That’s something valuable to your audience, and in exchange, they give you their email. Now they’re in your ecosystem.

What Do You Send?

Once you’ve got their email, now what? You can’t just ghost them, right? You’ve got to nurture the relationship. This is where a regular newsletter comes in.

Keep it simple. You don’t have to send a novel—just valuable content that keeps them engaged. Give tips, share stories, show behind-the-scenes stuff. Keep them interested, and when it’s time to pitch a product or service, they’ll be way more likely to buy because you’ve built trust.

The key is consistency. Whether it’s once a week or once a month, be consistent. If they don’t hear from you for months, they’ll forget why they signed up in the first place.

Why Your Email List is Your Most Valuable Asset

Here’s what most people don’t realize—your email list isn’t just a bunch of names on a spreadsheet. It’s your most valuable business asset. When you have a list of people who trust you, you can launch a product or service and instantly have an audience ready to hear what you have to say. That’s powerful.

Imagine launching a new course, product, or service and having a built-in audience of people who already know, like, and trust you. You don’t have to hope the algorithm shows your post to enough people—you can go directly to their inbox. That’s why email marketing crushes it.

And here’s the best part—email is still the highest ROI marketing channel. It beats social media, ads, everything. For every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average return of $42. That’s a wild return.

Don’t Wait, Start Now

You might be thinking, “But Mark, I don’t have a list yet.” That’s fine! Start today. You don’t need 10,000 emails to start seeing results. Even if you have 50 people on your list, that’s 50 people you can connect with directly. It grows over time, but you’ve got to start somewhere.

Here’s what you do:

  1. Create a lead magnet. Solve a problem or offer something valuable in exchange for their email.

  2. Build a landing page. Make it easy for them to sign up. No complicated forms—just a simple “enter your email” and boom, they’re in.

  3. Send your first email. Introduce yourself, offer value, and keep it short and sweet.

  4. Be consistent. Stick to a schedule, whether it’s once a week or once a month. Just show up.

Final Thoughts

Look, Dealmaker, if you’re serious about growing your business, you need an email list. It’s your safety net, your direct line to your audience, and the one asset no one can take from you. Stop relying on platforms you don’t own, and start building something that lasts.

So, what are you waiting for? Get out there, start collecting those emails, and watch your business grow.

- Mark Evans DM


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