The DM's Top Tip to Make 2012 YOUR Year of Success



The DM,DN and Deena say "Happy New Year!"

Happy New Year! I hope you had a great and relaxing holiday and that 2011 finished up positively for you.

It's 2012. The new year always feels like the slate has been wiped clean and you can start over! So is this going to be another year of hoping and wishing that success would come your way (while you fumble around in your 9-5 job)? Or is this going to be a year where you actually go out there and make it happen, BIG TIME?!?

In a previous blog post (How to Retire in 12 Months or Less) I laid out the EXACT steps you need to take if you want to this year the year that you finally achieve your financial or lifestyle goals through real estate investing. If you haven't read that blog post, bookmark it and read it when you're done this post.

Since it's the first day of the year, I want to talk give you the best tip that will help you to achieve success this year and enable you to finally break through to the level you want to achieve.

Here's the tip:


(Scratch that...)



If you adopt this tip as a mantra for the year, you will achieve more this year than most people will achieve in a lifetime.

Along the way, you're going to face anxiety and uncertainty and perhaps even fear of the unknown. That's okay, take action anyway! It's okay to make mistakes (that's how we learn). Nothing has to be perfect. But by simply moving forward, you'll be taking the next step on your journey toward real estate investing success. Not only that I’ll be here to support you through that growth :)

So, how can YOU take action now? You probably already know what you need to do but here are some actions that a lot of aspiring real estate investors need to do... perhaps one of these describes what you need to do:

  1. Invest in an autoresponder. Yes, even if you don't have any autoresponder messages written yet, take action now. You'll be more likely to move forward with it if you've put money into it.

  2. Start a website. Yes, even if you don't have any deals to share with people, take action now. Just put up something about you and create a ghost ad that attracts buyers. Here's the site I use. It gives you all the tools to use, including ads, contracts, and 3 websites... just to name a few of the tools you get to create massive amounts of deals (without knowing anything about technology)! Make sure you get over to right now to get started.

  3. Find buyers. Yes, even if you don't have a deal to share with a buyer yet, take action now. Find people who would be willing to do a deal with you if you have one. Here's something else you'll find ESSENTIAL this year... Get it today for FREE by going to and enjoy how simple this makes getting buyers to see your deals.

Perhaps you need to take action now on one of these three items. Or maybe there's something else you need to do (just make sure that you're moving toward a deal!).

It's the start of a new year. Make 2012 your year of achievement by adopting the phrase TAKE MASSIVE ACTION RIGHT NOW.

Your always-taking-action friend and mentor,
Mark Evans DM, DN

P.S. One more thing: Make sure to set aside some money to invest in YOURSELF with education and tools. Life will be much easier if you allow it to... Make sure to take one of the action steps above before you close out this window!


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