Stop Chasing Big Names—Here’s Where the Real Value Is

Hey, it’s your boy Mark Evans DM, and today we’re talking about something that can change the entire game for you—the power of connection. I’m not talking about networking with the big names who’ve already “made it.” Nah, I’m talking about catching people while they’re rising. 🚀

Here’s the truth: Everyone wants to connect with the big dogs, but the real opportunity lies in building relationships with people who are on their way up. You see, those people are hungry. They’re grinding, pushing, and hustling every day to get to the top. And if you can be there for them when they need it most, those connections become gold.

Why Network With the Rising Stars?

Most people make the mistake of chasing after the ones who’ve already made it. They think, “If I could just get connected with that big name, it’ll change everything.” But guess what? The big names have already built their circles, and while it’s great to connect with them, you’ve got to be smart about where you invest your energy.

Here’s why the people who are still on the rise matter the most:

  1. They’re Hungry: People who are grinding to make it are driven. They’re looking for ways to grow, learn, and expand. You helping them at this stage? They’ll never forget it.

  2. You Grow Together: When you connect with someone before they blow up, you grow alongside them. They rise, you rise. It’s a long-term play.

  3. Stronger Bonds: When you help someone who’s still grinding, the connection is deeper. They’re not just another name in your network—they’re someone you genuinely supported.

Be the One Who Sees Potential Before It’s Obvious

You know that person in your network who’s always hustling, always pushing to get better? That’s the one you need to pay attention to. They might not have a million followers or the biggest platform (yet), but they’ve got something even more valuable—potential. And the thing about potential is, not everyone can see it. But if you can spot it before it’s obvious, you’re positioning yourself to build a connection that pays off big time in the future.

Think about it: Everyone wants to jump on board once someone is already successful. But the real magic happens when you’re the one who believed in them early. That’s when you build trust and loyalty—two things money can’t buy.

How to Build Genuine Connections

Here’s the secret to building connections that last: give without expecting anything in return. Don’t just reach out to someone because you think they can help you down the line. Reach out because you genuinely want to help them. Offer your time, advice, or support. Help them solve a problem they’re facing. Be someone they can count on, especially when they’re still trying to figure it all out.

Practical Tip: Take a moment today and make a list of three people in your network who are on the rise. These are people who are grinding, making moves, and working toward their goals. Reach out to them—send a text, DM, or even a voice message. Let them know you see their potential and you’re there to help if they need anything. No strings attached.

This simple act can have a huge impact. Not only are you showing them support, but you’re also building a bond that could turn into a long-term, mutually beneficial relationship.

The Long Game Pays Off

Let me be real with you—this isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme. Building relationships takes time. It’s not about hitting someone up today and expecting them to change your life tomorrow. It’s about the long game. You invest in people now, and over time, those relationships will grow.

And here’s the kicker: when these rising stars finally make it big (and they will), they’ll remember the people who helped them along the way. They’ll remember you. And when they’re in a position to return the favor, they won’t hesitate.

That’s how you build a powerful network—one that’s based on trust, mutual growth, and genuine support.

Stay Humble, Stay Connected

At the end of the day, it’s not about who you know—it’s about who you help. I’ve built my entire career around this principle, and I can tell you firsthand that it works. Some of the strongest connections I’ve made weren’t with people who were already at the top—they were with people who were just like me, hustling and trying to make it.

So, here’s what I want you to do:

  1. Identify the rising stars in your network: Who’s hustling? Who’s grinding? Who’s showing potential?

  2. Reach out and offer your support: No agenda, no expectations. Just help them out.

  3. Stay connected: Check in with them regularly. As they rise, you’ll rise too.

Final Thoughts

Building a strong network isn’t about chasing after big names. It’s about helping people while they’re still on the grind. Lift others as they rise, and you’ll build relationships that last a lifetime.

So, who are you going to connect with today?

- Mark Evans DM


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